Înregistrarea partenerului

Contul partenerului

câmp obligatoriu
afișează toate țările câmp obligatoriu
It is not possible to change the selected country after the registration is completed.
câmp obligatoriu
Please specify the full address incl. city and zipcode.
I give my consent to being sent notifications about changes of records which are related to the partner account.
I give my consent to being sent notifications about recommended actions for records which are related to the partner account.
I give my consent to having the contact information of the partner account displayed for the records or functionality which are related to the partner account (ownership od data, authorship of records, authorization of arborists, ...).

Contul utilizatorului

Folosiţi acest cont de utilizator pentru a vă conecta la website. Dacă doriţi ca mai multe persoane să aibă posibilitatea să opereze cu contul dumneavoastră de Partener îi puteţi adăuga mai târziu.

câmp obligatoriu
câmp obligatoriu
câmp obligatoriu
Parola trebuie să aibă cel puțin 6 caractere.
câmp obligatoriu
Both passwords must match.
I give my consent to being sent notifications about new website features, offers for registered users and further occasional information.
I give my consent to having my name and email address displayed with the records I create for the users who need to be informed about my authorship.

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